Eric Pace | President
Eric Pace graduated from the University of Malta with a Bachelor of Science in Physics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence followed by a Masters in Medical Physics. He is a registered Medical Physicist and Medical Physics Expert and Radiation Protection Expert in the area of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology with 10 years of clinical work experience. He is a member of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) Education & Training Committee and is actively involved in a number of EFOMP Working Groups. His research interests include patient-specific clinical protocol optimisation and computational applications and automation in medical imaging.

Dwayne Vella | Vice-President
Dwayne Vella is a Senior Medical Physicist at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre (SAMOC). He holds a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons) and an MSc in Medical Physics from the University of Malta, as well as an MBA from the University of Suffolk. A certified Medical Physics Expert (Radiation Oncology) and Radiation Protection Expert (Radiation Oncology), his main focus is on advanced radiotherapy techniques, including VMAT and Stereotactic Radiotherapy.

Nadine Napoli | Secretary
Ms Nadine Napoli is a Senior Medical Physicist at Mater Dei Hospital and Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre. Nadine obtained her first degree in Physics and Informatics in 2010 and later obtained a Masters in Medical Physics with specialization in Nuclear Medicine at the University of Malta. Her work started as a Medical Physics trainee in Nuclear Medicine at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK in 2013. She then subsequently commenced work as one of the first Nuclear Medicine Medical Physicists at Mater Dei Hospital in 2015 introducing Nuclear Medicine Physics services and performing duties for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine. She is currently the secretary of MAMP.

Keith Schembri | Treasurer
Keith Schembri graduated from the University of Malta with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electrical Engineering followed by a Masters in Medical Physics and a two year medical physics clinical training at the Leeds Teaching Hospital. He is a registered Medical Physicist and Medical Physics Expert and Radiation Protection Expert in the area of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology with 9 years of clinical work experience. He currently works as a senior Medical Physicist in the Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology section of the hospital where he was involved in several hospital projects such as implementation of Diagnostic Reference Levels, acceptance testing of several new imaging equipment and training new Medical Physics trainees. His research interests include 3d printing applications in the medical sector, computed tomography equipment newest features and photon counting detectors.

Sam Agius | Past President
Mr. Sam Agius is a medical physicist at Mater Dei Hospital and Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre. He is specialised in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine after undergoing two years of clinical training at Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust (United Kingdom). Sam read a degree in Mathematics and Physics and successfully achieved Master of Science in Medical Physics at University of Malta. Sam was acting treasurer for MAMP between January 2018 and November 2018. Sam is particularly interested in dosimetry and radiation protection.
Past Executive Members

Maria Busuttil | Vice President
Mrs Maria Busuttil is a senior medical physicist at Mater Dei Hospital. She graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Malta and went to obtain her Masters in Medical Physics from the University of Malta as well. The clinical training was done with Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.

Chantelle Said | Secretary
Ms Chantelle Said is a Medical Physicist at the radiotherapy department in Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre. Chantelle obtained her first degree in Science with a double honours in Mathematics and Physics in 2009. Then in 2014 obtained a Masters in Medical Physics and underwent her clinical training at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology hospital.

Nolan Vella | Treasurer
Nolan Vella is a diagnostic and interventional radiology medical physicist currently working at Mater Dei hospital. Nolan obtained his first degree in Engineering from the University of Malta (2013) and proceeded with a Masters in Medical Physics (2015). He underwent his clinical training at Leeds teaching hospital, UK (2014 – 2016).

Jean Bickle | Vice-President
Mr Jean Bickle is a senior nuclear medicine physicist at Mater Dei Hospital and Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, Malta. As a medical physics trainee, he underwent his clinical traineeship at Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust in the UK. Jean holds a double Honours BSc Degree in Maths and Physics, and an MSc in Medical Physics, both from the University of Malta.

Mark Bezzina | Vice-President
Inġ. Mark Bezzina graduated in mechanical engineering from the University of Malta in 2008. He went on to obtain a Masters in Business and Administration in 2013 and a Masters in Medical Physics in 2016. Mark is currently employed as a Medical Physicist specialised in Radiation Therapy at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.

Jessica Falzon | Secretary
Ms.Jessica Farrugia is currently a Medical Physicist working in Radiotherapy at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre. In 2013, Jessica graduated in B.Sc Maths and Physics. She also successfully graduated from M.Sc in Medical Physics in 2015. Between 2014-2016, Jessica underwent clinical training in Radiotherapy Medical Physics at Leeds teaching hospital Trust (United Kingdom).